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FlowKnowHow LLC

FlowKnowHow LLC

At FlowKnowHow we pride ourselves in helping our clients succeed in their research endeavors. We provide customized flow cytometry solutions and are looking forward to working with you to achieve your goals.

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About Us

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FlowKnowHow LLC was founded in 2018 by Yolanda Mahnke, PhD, an internationally recognized expert in the field of flow cytometry. After obtaining a bachelor in biology from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, she performed her graduate work at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and obtained a PhD in tumor immunology from The Open University. She then worked in tumor and infection immunology at the Lausanne Branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, NIH's Vaccine Research Center, and the University of Pennsylvania, before becoming a freelance flow cytometry consultant. During her research career she published seminal concepts that have become mainstream ideas in flow cytometry techniques. To access relevant publications, click here.


A major contribution was the co-development of a novel publication platform in Cytometry Part A, called Optimized Multicolor Immunofluorescence Panels, or OMIPs for short, that allowed to publish and receive credit for the development of highly optimized reagent panels for flow cytometry and fluorescence imaging. For this and other achievements in the field she was awarded a prestigious IMISP scholarship from the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC). She is an active member of ISAC, serving on some of ISAC's committees, the Associate Editor for Cancer Immunology and OMIPs for Cytometry Part A, and a Scientific Advisor for FluoroFinder.


At FlowKnowHow, we build on this track record of scientific excellence to provide our clients services of the highest professional standards.

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FlowKnowHow LLC Services


Introductory Consultation

We provide customized consulting services in flow cytometry and associated topics. In a complementary introductory consultation we assess your project details and flow cytometry needs in order to develop a personalized working plan that will allow you to achieve quality results. Get in touch to learn more about how we can help you.

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Panel design and assay development

Looking to use flow cytometry for immuno-monitoring in a clinical study, but not sure where to begin? Need help planning or developing your next flow cytometry project? Let us guide you. From selecting relevant markers, designing putative panels, and identifying potential reagents, to providing an assay validation and qualification strategy, we will guide you through essential panel and assay development steps.

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Data analysis, interpretation and reporting

FlowKnowHow provides blinded data analysis services in order to remove any potential bias. All gating trees are documented in detail to simplify knowledge transfer. We will apply scientific rigor to interpret your data and prepare comprehensive reports. If you need assistance integrating flow cytometry results into official documents such as publications, study reports or grant applications, please get in touch.



Whether your team is inexperienced or well-versed in standard flow techniques, there is always something new to learn in the ever-evolving field of flow cytometry. At FlowKnowHow, we believe that an increased understanding of this technique's component parts leads to improved data. Our focus is on multi-parametric flow cytometry panels, and associated troubleshooting and techniques. We’re happy to adapt any on-site training module to your specific needs.

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Expert review

Even with in-house flow cytometry experts it can be invaluable to obtain an independent assessment of technical and analytical approaches. We will review your protocols, study outlines and data analyses, as well as providing expert feedback on your presentation slides to make sure your data are accurately and evocatively represented. At FlowKnowHow, we use our skills and expertise to make your research shine.

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In-house or outsourcing?

Not sure whether to do it yourself or outsource the flow cytometry procedures? If you are designing your own flow lab, we can identify flow cytometers and associated instruments that are best suited for your purposes. On the other hand, if you need help identifying, negotiating with, or auditing a CRO, we can help you pinpoint necessary services to ask for.

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